
About Me

Hi Everyone!

My name is Morgan, and I'm the artist behind Morgan's Art Quest! I started drawing again in December of 2020 and hadn't for a very long time before that.

For a little backstory, in 2014 I got a Traumatic Brain Injury which dramatically changed my life. I still have lingering issues like hand tremors which stopped me from being able to do most crafts and any art at all. On top of that I have fibromyalgia, so just a fun bag of disabilities.

I learned about Procreate towards the end of November 2020 and went on a YouTube binge and I was in tears that it was something that would allow me to do art again with the different accessibility features. I ended up getting an iPad for my birthday that year and I haven't looked back since. It opened up my world again and I sincerely appreciate the team who developed Procreate. A friend encouraged me to start making my own stickers to share my art with others and so I did! 

I opened up shop on January 29, 2021 and have since grown from just stickers to many other items. The original theme behind the name was me following my own quest to become better at my art and it's now developed into a quest to bring beautiful things to my shop and to you.

I also have added another creative to the team, Beardlen Redfoot! He's a multitalented artist who creates some of things you see on the site and at shows. He is the artist behind our map prints, and our garb that we wear at events. We work together to grow the business and our offerings and he's quickly become an integral part of the team.